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Monthly Archives: October 2011

IET newsletter 10-2011 ->





re: “Julius Caesar” reprise

(Doug Dean) << Hello everyone, as many of you know, Eternal Lines is reviving its production of Julius Caesar in November. The venue is Teatro delle Emozioni and the dates are November 23, 24 and 25. There are 10.30am matinèes all three days and evening performances on the Thursday and Friday at 9pm. Tickets cost 12 euro adults and 8 euros students. I know that many of you CAME to the original production. Thank you for that. Perhaps, though, you would be kind enough to pass this e-mail and attachment on to anyone you know that might be interested? Those of you that DIDN’T come to the original show have no excuse this time:) happy
You can reserve tickets by e-mailing
 OR by booking directly with the theatre: 06 78 38 42 89.
 Please book early to avoid disappointment!
Thanks and hope to see you at a show!
 Doug >>

“Twelfth Night”

by William Shakespeare

Teatro Belli, February 21-26.

Director: Douglas Dean

Rehearsals: January and February, two or three evenings a week plus either Saturday or Sunday. Technical rehearsal at Teatro Belli on February 20.

Please note that there will be two performances daily, except on the Sunday. Tuesday-Saturday there will be a 10.30am matinee performance and a 9pm evening show. Sunday’s show will be at 5pm.

I will be setting the play in the 1960s. It’s a decade that lends itself nicely to the slightly chaotic Illyria that Shakespeare has created.

The modern trend with this show is to play down the comedy and play up the pathos. I would like to buck this trend and direct a lively, fun and colourful Twelfth Night with bright (but believable) characters, so that the ‘darker’ moments stand out against the general lightness of tone.

The roles of Malvolio and Feste have been pre-cast and will be played by Michael Fitzpatrick and Micky Martin respectively. ALL THE OTHER ROLES ARE OPEN and will be cast following the audition (held).

If you COULDN’T make the audition but would like to be considered for a role then please e-mail me at the address given below. I may be able to arrange another audition day for you.

Any questions can be e-mailed to me at the Eternal Lines address.





Dear friends and dubbers,
sad news…Gene Luotto passed away last night. (Thursday, 20th October ) He had been battling a brain tumour for some time. May he rest in peace. There will be no funeral, just a camera ardente this afternoon & he’s then being taken to Piemonte where the family grave is situated. There WILL be a memorial ceremony in the near future in Rome, i hear.
Thanx to Alison and Flaminia for informing us. Our heartfelt condolences go to Clementina, Andy and Steve.
We’ll miss’im. Edwin
(thank you for the photograph, Ted)

abemus officium @ Via dell’Olmata, 24 – VPI Voice Professionals Italy soc. coop. a.r.l.

link to google maps ->

snapshots coming soon….meanwhile  here ‘s the floorplan ->

…and the STUDIO is just ’round the corner! @ Via dei Quattro Cantoni,28

check out google maps (street view – use the compass and rotate the “N” clock and anticlockwise and you get the pan Via dell’Olmata up to Santa Maria Maggiore – and the view down Via dei Quattro Cantoni towards the Torre dei Capocci) NB google aren’t up to date;  the palazzo has been beautifully renovated in the meantime.

here’s the link ->

stay tuned!



Europäischer Tag der Sprachen – Logo




Un’Europa. Molte lingue. Nuove opportunità.
Nuovi membri. Nuove idee. EUNIC Roma si presenta

Tavola rotonda e concerto
Mercoledì 19 ottobre 2011, ore 9:30 – 23
Auditorium del Goethe-Institut – Via Savoia 15, Roma
Ingresso libero

programma ->







Corso Introduttivo al metodo Linklater: 11-12-13/18-19-20 novembre 2011

orari : venerdì 17-20/sabato 10-17 /domenica 10-18

 Corso avanzato : 6 incontri avanzati sul Metodo Linklater il Lunedì (per chi ha già frequentato almeno un corso introduttivo) 28 novembre 2011 / 5-12 dicembre 2011 / 9-16-23 gennaio 2012 / orari 18,30 – 21,30 

Corso avanzato sul testo (per chi ha già frequentato almeno un corso introduttivo) Febbraio 2012

 Sound and movement (Percorso che ha come obiettivo quello di mettere in relazione l’intelligenza celebrale con quella fisica e sensoriale nei confronti di qualunque tipo di testo) Aprile 2012

 Vi ricordiamo che: Il Metodo Linklater è un’occasione importante, per gli attori e per tutti coloro che sono interessati a migliorare le loro prestazioni professionali attraverso lo studio e l’uso della voce, delle sue potenzialità espressive, formali e di immediata comunicazione, di poter sperimentare concretamente la relazione tra pensiero/corpo e voce.

 Per qualsiasi informazione o prenotazione potete contattare: Vincenzo Stango: 3394101400